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Donate today and help low income individuals, children and families receive the counseling they need.
Support Earth Circles Today!
Earth Cirlces is a 501C3 nonprofit. It's your donations that help low income individuals, families and children receive the counseling services they need, when they can't afford to pay. Help support our clients by donating today!
All donations are tax deductible.
How Your Donation Helps
$25.00 Helps Pay for One Individual Session
$50.00 Helps Pay for a Couples or Family Session
Your donations also help keep our overhead down, so that we can continue providing service to our clients at an affordable rate.
Other Ways to Help
Help us raise awareness about the imortance of mental health and make it just as important as physical health!
Talk to a family member or a friend when you're feeling anxious, depressed, angry or grieving.
Talking about your feelings is the most important step to destigmatizing mental health problems.
ECCC Thanks Our Donors!
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