Chong-You Lin
I hold a MA in transpersonal counseling from John F. Kennedy University and had studied in East-West psychology Ph.D. program and received a spiritual counseling certificate. My emphasis is working with adults who are having concerns with relationships, emotions, transitions, addictions or eating disorders. I also work with children, adolescents and couples. Coming from Taiwan, I can speak Mandarin and understand how cultures impact one's psychology. My other areas of specialization include EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing), Hakomi, hypnotherapy and meditations. With these skills, I facilitate my clients to transform their traumas, difficult feelings, beliefs, and behavior patterns.
林從猷, 婚姻及家庭諮商師畢業於約翰甘乃迪大學心理諮商研究所超個人心理組,我的諮商方式整合了一般心理學及靈性的智慧。我在曾在加州整合學院研修東西心理學博士課程,並取得靈性輔導認證。我的服務包含協助成人對面他們的關係、情緒、生命轉變、成癮及飲食違常等問題,也提供兒童、青年少及夫妻諮商。我來自台灣,可以講國語並且了解多元文化的影響。我經過EMDR(眼動身心重建法)的訓練,能協助有創傷經驗的個案,降低他們受過去經驗的影響。我也運用Hakomi 方法,催眠及靜坐方法來幫助我的個案轉化他的心理創傷及困擾他們的情緒、想法及行為。我的連絡方式 (510) 200-8775,或 寫信到 chongyoulin [at] gmail.com.
(510) 200-8775